Issue Position: Spending

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Spending - Taxpayer Superhero by Citizens Against Government Waste

The money the government spends does not belong to the government; it belongs to the taxpayers who earned it. Americans deserve to keep more of their own money to save and invest for the future, and low tax policies help drive a strong and healthy economy. Bringing the deficit into balance is our responsibility to this generation and future generations; tax-and-spending our way to a balanced budget will not balance the budget, but instead threaten our economy and sap the American people for more of their money.

Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. When I served on the House Budget Committee, we balanced the budget four consecutive times by making tough decisions.

To reduce spending, in the short-term we need to end duplicative programs, many of which have been identified by the GAO that would save taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. Additionally, we need to streamline government to eliminate redundant programs between federal and state governments. We also need to return to pre-stimulus spending levels that would save us billions more. For the long-term, we need to address the true drivers of our debt which are entitlements. We have been successful in the past with reforming welfare, but we need the right leadership now to take on the tough tasks. However, a major component will be growing the economy and that will happen when we implement pro-growth policies.
